Office of District Commissioner, Chuadanga is inviting applications from the candidates for the posts of Computer Operator, Sat typist cum Computer Operator, Office Assistant cum Computer typist, Accounts Assistant for General Administration, Najir cum Cashier, Office Assistant cum Computer typist, Certificate Publisher, Certificate Assistant, Credit Checking cum Sairat Assistant, Mutation cum Certificate Assistant and Treasure.
Job title: Computer Operator
Qualification and competency:
• Bachelor (Honors) or equivalent degree in science from any renowned university
• 25 words speed in Bengali and 30 words speed in English typing
• Passed in Standard Aptitude Test
Experience: Not mentioned
Salary and Compensation: According to the pay scale of 2015
Age Limit: 18-30 years
Vacancy: 01
Application fee: BDT 112
Job title: Sat typist cum Computer Operator
Qualification and competency:
• Bachelor(Honors) or equivalent degree from any renowned university
• Skill of Word processing, spread sheet, presentation and basic computer troubleshooting
• Basic idea about computer hardware
• 45 words speed in Bengali and 70 words speed in Short Hand
• 25 words speed in Bengali and 30 words speed in English for Word processing, Data entry and typing
Experience: Not mentioned
Salary and Compensation: According to the pay scale of 2015
Age Limit: 18-30 years
Vacancy: 01
Application fee: BDT 112
Job title: Office Assistant cum Computer typist
Qualification and competency:
• HSC pass or equivalent from any registered board
• 20 words speed in Bengali and 20 words speed in English for Word processing, Data entry and typing
Experience: Not mentioned
Salary and Compensation: According to the pay scale of 2015
Age Limit: 18-30 years
Vacancy: 01
Application fee: BDT 112
Job title: Accounts Assistant
Qualification and competency:
• HSC pass or equivalent from any registered board
• 20 words speed in Bengali and 20 words speed in English for Word processing, Data entry and typing
Experience: Not mentioned
Salary and Compensation: According to the pay scale of 2015
Age Limit: 18-30 years
Vacancy: 04
Application fee: BDT 112
Job title: Najir cum Cashier
Qualification and competency:
HSC pass or equivalent from any registered board
Experience: Not mentioned
Salary and Compensation: According to the pay scale of 2015
Age Limit: 18-30 years
Vacancy: 03
Application fee: BDT 112
Job title: Office Assistant cum Computer typist
Qualification and competency:
• HSC pass or equivalent from any registered board
• 20 words speed in Bengali and 20 words speed in English for Word processing, Data entry and typing
Experience: Not mentioned
Salary and Compensation: According to the pay scale of 2015
Age Limit: 18-30 years
Vacancy: 04
Application fee: BDT 112
Job title: Certificate Publisher, Certificate Assistant, Credit Checking cum Sairat Assistant, Mutation cum Certificate Assistant
Qualification and competency:
HSC pass or equivalent from any registered board
Experience: Not mentioned
Salary and Compensation: According to the pay scale of 2015
Age Limit: 18-30 years
Vacancy: 4+4+4+4
Application fee: BDT 112
Job title: Tracer
Qualification and competency:
SSC pass or equivalent from any registered board
Experience: Not mentioned
Salary and Compensation: According to the pay scale of 2015
Age Limit: 18-30 years
Vacancy: 01
Application fee: BDT 112
Deadline: April 4, 2021 (12.00 pm)
For more Jobs in Jessore Chuadanga you may visit URQUERY JOBS
For further clarification you may visit the Official Website or the circular from the daily Prothom Alo:
Office of District Commissioner, Chuyadanga is inviting applications from the candidates for the posts of Stenographer Cum Computer Operator, Typist Cum Computer Operator, Office Assistant, Security Guard, Sweeper and Cook.
Job title: Typist Cum Computer Operator and Stenographer Cum Computer Operator
Qualification and competency:
• Honors or equivalent degree from any renowned university
• Word processing, spread sheet, presentation and basic computer troubleshooting
• Basic idea about computer hardware
• 50 words speed in Bengali and 80 words speed in Short Hand
• 25 words speed in Bengali and 30 words speed in English for Word processing, Data entry and typing
Experience: Not mentioned
Salary and Compensation: According to the pay scale of 2015
Age Limit: 18-30 years
Vacancy: 2+1
Applicant fee: BDT 112
Deadline: March 16, 2021 (12.00 am)
Job title: Office Assistant
Qualification and competency: SSC pass or equivalent from any registered board
Experience: Not mentioned
Salary and Compensation: According to the pay scale of 2015
Age Limit: 18-30 years
Vacancy: 03
Applicant fee: BDT 56
Deadline: March 16, 2021 (12.00 am)
Job title: Security Guard
Qualification and competency:
• SSC pass or equivalent from any registered board
• Must be strong and healthy
Experience: Not mentioned
Salary and Compensation: According to the pay scale of 2015
Age Limit: 18-30 years
Vacancy: 02
Applicant fee: BDT 56
Deadline: March 16, 2021 (12.00 am)
Job title: Sweeper
Qualification and competency: JSC pass or equivalent from any registered board
Experience: Not mentioned
Salary and Compensation: According to the pay scale of 2015
Age Limit: 18-30 years
Vacancy: 03
Applicant fee: BDT 56
Deadline: March 16, 2021 (12.00 am)
Job title: Cook
Qualification and competency:
• JSC pass or equivalent from any registered board
• 5 years experience of cooking
Experience: Minimum 5 years
Salary and Compensation: According to the pay scale of 2015
Age Limit: 18-30 years
Vacancy: 01
Applicant fee: BDT 56
Deadline: March 16, 2021 (12.00 am)
Interested candidates are requested to apply through online following the instructions given in website.
For more Jobs in Jessore Chuadanga you may visit URQUERY JOBS
For further clarification you may visit the website of the office or the circular from the daily Prothom Alo: