Admission on Bachelor (Honors) in Rabindra University, Bangladesh
Rabindra University, Bangladesh is inviting applications from the students for the admission on 1st year Bachelor (Honors) under Rabindra Studies, Cultural Heritage and Bangladesh Studies, Economics, Managements Studies and Music.
Name of the Course:
Rabindra Studies,
Cultural Heritage and Bangladesh Studies,
Managements Studies
Qualification for admission:
• In the Department of Rabindra Studies, Cultural Heritage and Bangladesh Studies, Economics and Management Studies, without any preconditions, the applicants will get the number obtained in the GST combined examination and the final merit list will be prepared and published on the basis of GPA obtained from SSC / Equivalent and HSC / Equivalent. In this case GPA of SSC / Equivalent and HSC / Equivalent will be multiplied by 2.
• According to the rules of the university, departmental seats will be distributed among the students belonging to A-unit, B-unit and C-unit.
Name of the Course: Music
Qualification for admission:
• Numbers obtained in the GST combined examination of the applicants in the music department and final merit list will be prepared and published on the basis of GPA obtained from SSC / Equivalent and HSC / Equivalent and marks obtained in practical and oral examinations. In this case GPA of SSC / Equivalent and HSC / Equivalent will be multiplied by 2.
• The applicant must participate and pass the practical and viva exams
Course duration: 4 years
Deadline of application submission: November 30- December 15, 2021
Application fee: Not mentioned
Admission on: Not mentioned
Class starting on: Not mentioned
Application procedures details are in the circular.
You may visit URQUERY Admission for more information on University Admission.
For further information please visit the Official Website or see the published circular: