Institute of Community Ophthalmology is inviting applications from the students for the admission on Bachelor of Science in Optometry (B.Optom) course.
Name of the Course: Bachelor of Science in Optometry (B.Optom) course
Admission qualification:
• Passed Secondary or equivalent examination in 2019 or 2020 and Higher Secondary or equivalent examination in 2021 or 2022 from the group of Science under any Education Board of Bangladesh.
• Must have Physics and Biology in Secondary or equivalent examination and Higher Secondary or equivalent examination.
• Must have a minimum GPA of 6.00 points in Secondary or equivalent examinations and Higher Secondary or equivalent examinations. However, if the GPA is less than 3.50 points in any test alone, applicants will not be eligible to apply.
• In view of the application of the eligible candidates, the written MCQ examination of 100 marks of 1 hour will be held by the admission test committee. Those who get 60 marks in the written test will be considered as successful. However, no number will be deducted for wrong answer.
• Students who have passed at least 60 marks will be considered eligible for admission by multiplying the GPA obtained in SSC / Equivalent Examination by 15 and by multiplying the GPA obtained in HSC / Equivalent Examination by 25 by considering total 300 marks.
• If anyone is poor and meritorious, he has to click on the Quota option in the online application form.
Course duration: 4 years
Deadline of application submission: April 02-May 31, 2023
Course fee: BDT 75,000
Application fee: BDT 1200
Admission test: June 14, 2023 (10.00 am -11.00 am)
Result publishing on: June 15, 2023 (12.00 noon)
Interested applicants are requested to fill up application from the mentioned website in the circular following the instructions.
You may visit URQUERY Admission for more Institute of community ophthalmology Chittagong admission.
For further information please visit the official website of the college or see the published circular: