You may have a look at the content to get a general idea about the different modules of driving trainings from BRTC.
BRTC Training Institute is a government training institute continuously working for developing our skill for driving. As part of this development process BRTC Training Institute calls for application for Driving Training of Light and Heavy vehicle.
BRTC Training Institute is the only institute which provides one stop service for driving training and driving license.
Every fortnightly BRTC Training Institute arranges driving test for providing driving license.
Tejgaon training centre arranges test for light vehicle and provides license for that.
Skilled and expert trainer (both male and female) conduct the training session
Training arrangement is available for female and job holder candidates.
BRTC Training Institute is offering training on driving on the six following categories.
Basic Driving (Light Vehicle)
Duration: 04(Four) weeks
Course Fee: Tk.6000/- (Taka Six Thousand Only)
Basic Driving (Heavy Vehicle)
Duration: 08(Eight) weeks
Course Fee: Tk.9000/- (Taka Nine Thousand Only)
Upgrading Driving (Light Vehicle)
Duration: 02(Two) weeks
Course Fee: Tk.3500/- (Taka Three Thousand Five Hundred Only)
Upgrading Driving (Heavy Vehicle)
Duration: 04(Four) weeks
Course Fee: Tk.4500/- (Taka Four Thousand Five Hundred Only)
Motor Cycle/Motorbike Driving
Duration: 02(Two) weeks
Course Fee: Tk.3500/- (Taka Three Thousand Five Hundred Only)
(Applicable for the people who received training under Skill Act)
Duration: 01(One) week
Course Fee: Tk.1000/- (Taka One Thousand Only)
Special Feature:
1. After successful completion of the course, training test is arranged by Training Competency Test Board at Tejgaon Training Centre. All support is provided for driving certification.
2. Theory class on traffic rules, sign-signals, and vehicle maintenance in air conditioned digital class room.
3. Instructors are certified by Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA)
4. Training facility is available in weekend and from 7:00 a.m. for service holder and female trainees
5. Driving training is available for manual gear, auto gear, left hand steering, Jeep, Pick up, Truck, motor cycle, etc.
10% weaver in course fee for female valiant freedom fighters and offspring of freedom fighters.
For detail information you may contact: Training Manager, BRTC Training Institute, 32, Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmed Soroni, Dhaka-1208
Mobile: 01926-850728
For many other trainings as Driving Training of Light and Heavy Vehicle at BRTC Training Institute” information you may visit URQUERY TRAINING.
For contact details see the circular below or visit Official Website.